Volunteer Opportunities

Our volunteers contribute to our mission, promote discoveries that advance the understanding of sleep for healthier lives, by reviewing competitive applications for our grant programs, cultivating relationships with stakeholders, engaging the sleep community to support our mission, and implementing programs to increase the pipeline of sleep researchers.
Grant Review Committees
Provide an evaluation of the quality and potential impact of applications for our grant programs.
Benefits of Volunteering:
- Serve the sleep scientific community by helping identify promising grant applications and candidates.
- Hone on your grant writing skills by obtaining firsthand experience on the grant application review process.
- Potential to be recommended to other funding agency grant review committees, including but not limited to the NIH Scientific Society Reviewer Recommendations.
Development Council
Support the development and implementation of fundraising initiatives with a focus on cultivating new donors while engaging existing donors to increase giving.
Benefits of Volunteering:
- Meet with peers from across the country to identify new ways for the AASM Foundation to engage the sleep community.
- Learn about nonprofit organizations making a difference in the field of sleep medicine by reviewing nominations for the Sleep Champion Award.
- Develop new relationships with our stakeholders, donors and grant recipients.
Research Career Development Committee
Develop and implement activities that grow the pipeline of sleep and circadian scientists.
Benefits of Volunteering:
- Give back by supporting impactful career development programs and initiatives aimed at increasing and diversifying the pipeline of sleep and circadian scientists.
- Get a voice in the field of sleep research by providing input on career development resources and programs.
- Get experience organizing career development initiatives to demonstrate your leadership and teamwork abilities.
Ready to Volunteer?
Individuals interested in volunteering to serve as an AASM Foundation grant application reviewer should review and send the following information to foundation@aasm.org:
- Review the American Academy of Sleep Medicine Foundation Policy on Conflicts of Interest.
- Provide your curriculum vitae/resume.
- Provide your personal statement of interest, including an overview of current/previous leadership activities that are relevant to the selected committee.
- Complete the Reviewer Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Statement.
- Complete the Reviewer Expertise Form.
Members of the AASM can also sign into AASM Engage and apply to the AASM Foundation Review Committees volunteer opportunity to provide all the requested information above.