Community Sleep Health and Public Awareness Grant

Issue Date: | June 17, 2024 |
Application Due Date: | July 29, 2024 by 11:59pm ET |
Grant Selection Notification: | By October 31, 2024 |
Period of Performance: | Category I: Up to 2 years Category II: Up to 1 year |
Amount of Grant: | Category I: Up to $50,000 Category II: Up to $25,000 |
To learn more about this grant program, including what organizations and types of projects are appropriate for this program, please reference the Community Sleep Health and Public Awareness Grant: Overview and Lifecycle webinar.
The AASM Foundation invests in people, research, and communities to improve the sleep health of all people. The Community Sleep Health and Public Awareness Grant supports a variety of projects and initiatives focused on addressing local, national, and global sleep health needs. Through this grant program, we are committed to promoting healthy sleep by raising public awareness and making sleep disorder healthcare more accessible in our communities.
This request for applications for the Community Sleep Health and Public Awareness Grant is open to humanitarian, education, or awareness projects that focus on improving sleep health, sleep disorder evaluation and/or treatment in the community. These projects can be one-time engagements or longitudinal projects that are up to 2 years in duration.
Projects may focus on, but are not limited to:
- Humanitarian service projects that are intended to improve sleep health in underserved or disadvantaged groups.
- Development, expansion and/or dissemination of public and/or patient education resources or awareness campaigns (e.g., AASM sleep education resources, AASM Sleep is Good Medicine campaign, new resource development) to promote healthy sleep and highlight sleep as a pillar of health.
- Implementation of evidence-based sleep disorders evaluation (for individuals at high risk for sleep disorders), diagnosis, interventions, or local community models for care for people with sleep disorders.
Note that projects that target underserved or disadvantaged groups are especially of interest for the Community Sleep Health and Public Awareness Grant.
The Community Sleep Health and Public Awareness Grant is organized into two categories:
- Category I is for those applicants seeking funding for projects up to $50,000 (includes direct and indirect costs) and covers a project period of up to 2 years.
- Category II is for those applicants seeking funding for projects up to $25,000 (includes direct and indirect costs) and covers a project period of up to 1 year.
There are no restrictions on the distribution of expenses, however, indirect costs are capped at 8%. The grant is issued as a contract between the AASM Foundation and the grantee’s organization.
The following individuals and organizations are eligible to apply:
- Individuals from a charitable organization with a tax-exempt status, OR
Individuals who are collaborating with a charitable organization with a tax-exempt status.
- Applicants outside the US are eligible to apply; however, payment of grant funds must be accepted by the organization in US dollars.
Although not a requirement, we encourage applicants to be members of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
- Individuals or organizations who have a financial conflict of interest or have the potential to incur significant financial benefit from the proposed work and beyond the work itself are not eligible to apply.
- Requests to support projects that do not align with the focus of the Community Sleep Health and Public Awareness Grant (e.g., research projects) are not eligible. It is encouraged that you meet with AASM Foundation staff to ensure your project aligns with the grant program prior to application submission.
- Requests to support ongoing operational aspects of existing programs or requests for projects that do not meaningfully expand existing programs are not eligible to apply.
- Current AASM and AASM Foundation Board of Directors members are not eligible to apply and cannot be listed as a project leader or project team member during their term on the Board and for one year after their term ends.
Note: In rare instances, AASM and AASM Foundation Board members may serve as unpaid consultants on an application, however, this requires Executive Committee approval prior to submitting the application.
A grant review committee appointed by the AASM Foundation Executive Committee will evaluate and score all submitted applications. Factors that will be taken into consideration include:
- Need and Impact: The need for the project is justified and the potential of the project to positively impact sleep health on a targeted population, with consideration of the proposed timeframe (one-time, short-term, long-term), is specified.
- Project Plan and Evaluation: Project plan clearly outlines the goals; the plan is well-reasoned and appropriate to achieve goals of the project. Project benchmarks and plan for measuring the impact of the project are clearly defined and appropriate. If a long-term project, evaluation of sustainability is defined.
- Dissemination: There is a plan in place, during the project period or after the project concludes, for how the knowledge gained, content developed, and/or the project framework will be disseminated to create awareness, encourage reproducibility, or spur expansion of the initiative to local, national or global key audiences.
- People and Resources: Expertise and experience of the people working on this project, the value they bring to the project, and resources they have access to will ensure project success.
Only materials submitted within the application will be used to evaluate of application. The AASM Foundation Executive Committee will make the final funding decisions.
The AASM Foundation Community Sleep Health and Public Awareness Grant supports projects that will serve a specified population and create a positive impact on sleep health within the community.
Grant recipients are expected to address the goals as described in the application. Major modifications to the proposed aims require AASM Foundation Board of Directors or Executive Committee approval.
During the project period, or shortly after project completion, the project team should disseminate the knowledge gained, content developed, or project framework as described in the project dissemination plan. This can be done through various dissemination avenues, examples of which can be found in the Community Sleep Health and Public Awareness Grant – Dissemination Guide.
The expected results and deliverables should be clearly stated in the application. The applicant must submit progress and final reports during the project period, describing project activities and results, as outlined below. Failure to meet the deliverables or submit progress or final reports may result in termination of project funding.
Category I Grants | |
Progress Report | 12 months |
Final Report | Within 90 days of period of performance end |
Category II Grants | |
Progress Report | 6 months |
Final Report | Within 90 days of period of performance end |
Outcomes evaluation is an essential component of this grant. All proposals must identify the goals and appropriate outcomes measures of the project. The outcomes should align with the goals and objectives stated in the applicant’s proposal for this grant.
We encourage potential applicants to contact us early in the application process with questions. Eligibility questions may need to be reviewed by a member of the AASM Foundation Executive Committee, so please allow for at least a 1-week response time for eligibility questions. For all other inquiries, please allow a minimum of two business days for a response. Please note that questions received within 48 hours of an application deadline may not be answered before the deadline.